Finance Committee Corner Last Sunday $7,767 was received in the offertory
baskets at Mass and $3,389 was received through Parish Pay, for a total of $11,156. However, the weekly operating costs to run our parish, such as salaries, benefits, utilities, office and program expenses, etc., are approximately $20,000. This means
we had an operating deficit of $8,844 this week.
SOCIAL ACTION COMMITEE The Social Action Committee, in partnership with Bread for the World, is collecting letters encouraging our state's representatives and candidates to take action on criminal justice reform and maternal and child nutrition. After each mass this weekend 10/15 and 10/16, representatives from the Social Action Committee will be at the back of the church, where you're welcome to sign a pre-printed letter or write your own. They hope you'll take part in this important effort.
OCTOBER GAY FELLOWSHIP MEETING Please join us after the 5:30PM Mass on Sunday evening October 23rd for the first Fall meeting of the Gay Fellowship. The meeting will be held on the 2nd floor of the rectory from 6:45PM-8:15PM. Refreshments served. The group is a safe and comfortable place to share and meet other LGBT Catholics. All are welcome. For more information, please call John Gasdaska at 646-345-7350.
The Micah Faith Table Immigration Committee In partnership with The Refugee Committee of Congregation B’nai Jeshurun Presents “Immigrants and Refugees in America and New York: The Political and Moral Landscape Today”
Tuesday, November 15, 2016 at 6:45pm
Congregation B’nai Jeshurun
270 W. 89
th Street (Between Broadway and West End)
We hope you can join. RSVP to [email protected] COFFEE HOUR Parish coffee hour is a great way to get to know your fellow parishioners and is held the first Sunday of the month after all the morning Masses. If you are interested in baking something for the November 6th coffee hour, please get in touch with James Palazza at 646-456-8878.
DOWNEY SIDE Let us welcome Father Paul and Kimberly Downey Side’s Communication Manager, who are moving their office to our parish rectory.
If you or anyone you know is interested in office furniture and or miscellaneous items please give them a call at 212-714-2200 or 347-367-5951 to set up a time to come in between October 18
th - 20
th .
RCIA RCIA is the process designed by the Church for adults to receive the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and First Communion. The goals are to give a complete overview of Catholic teaching and practice and to begin to deepen a Christian spiritual life centered in the Sunday Scripture readings. The sacraments are received at the Easter Vigil Mass.
It is open to adults who:
Have never been baptized; they would be preparing for all three sacraments.
Were baptized in a non-Catholic Christian denomination who are interested in becoming Catholic; they would be preparing for Confirmation and First Communion.
Were baptized Catholic but never received Confirmation and/or First Communion; they would be preparing for the sacraments they have not yet received.
Inquiry discussions at Blessed Sacrament began on Monday, October 3 at 6:30 pm in the rectory. If anyone is seeking more information or wishes to register, please call Tina Silvestro at 212-877-3111.
Sunday 12:30 PM Choir The parish is grateful to all those who have so generously volunteered their time and talent to help enrich our worship at the Sunday 12:30 Mass each week by singing in the choir. We would like to see this choir continue its presence and even expand. If you are interested in singing please call the Rectory with your name, phone number, and email.
ABC’s of Catholic Relief Services CRS/Nepal: American Catholics reached over 15,000 households in the most remote mountainous areas of Nepal following the April 2015 quake. Since CRS and Caritas Nepal are working with families to help them rebuild their homes and their lives.