(In order to provide the highest quality service to those who seek our help, we may only accept freshly bought, unopened non-perishable items. If this is not convenient, we also accept monetary donations.)
Please join us during the 4 Wednesdays during Advent: December 2, December 9, December 16 and December 23 for Prayer and Meditation followed by a light dinner of soup, salad, and bread. Prayers begin promptly at 7PM in the 2nd floor meeting room of the Rectory. It’s a wonderful and contemplative way to prepare for Christmas. We hope to see you there. For more information please call/email Chris Williams (Tel. No. 304-337-1252: Email: [email protected]) or Christina Russo (Tel.201-248-7244; Email: [email protected])
The COLLECTION FOR THE CATHOLIC CAMPAIGN FOR HUMAN DEVELOPMENT (CCHD) provides funding for groups that make lasting change and uplift the poor in the United States. In the last five years, over 36% of CCHD’s grants have gone to improving housing in low-income neighborhoods. Help us to continue to defend human dignity and take poverty off the map. Give generously to the CCHD. The collection will be taken up this week at all masses.
On Saturday, December 12, 2015 at 10:00am from the Hall of the Lower Church of Blessed Sacrament. Members of the JoyJ Initiative have spoke at all of your Masses giving detailed information concerning this Outreach and how it impacts our less fortunate Brothers and Sisters who live on the streets of our City, as well as how this Outreach will fill your souls with the joy o Jesus. The comfort bags will already be prepared for you and experienced leaders will be assigned to groups going out to the various locations. We look forward to seeing you on December 12th at 10:00am for coffee and doughnuts before we head out. For more information please go to joyj.org and God Bless you.
Workshop—Human Roots of the Ecological Crisis (Ch 3 Laudato Si.
Tuesday Dec. 1st, 7-9pm—doors will open at 6:30pm offering some networking time.
Church of the Holy Name, Lower Church (96th St. bet. Broadway and Amsterdam)
Recommended reading: Chapter 3 Laudato Si.
Participation in previous workshops not necessary!
Please join our NYC Catholic Families Group in the under-croft of the church on Saturday, December 5th, 3:30-5:00pm. The message of waiting that Advent teaches us as Catholics is an especially important one to pass on to our sometimes impatient children. We will gather to do some Advent-related crafts and songs and to mark the Feast Day of St. Nicholas (12/6), on whom Santa Claus is based Please join our Meetup group and RSVP at: http://meetup.com/NYC-Catholic-Families/