Last Sunday $6,368 was received in the offertory baskets at Mass and $2,998 was received through WeShare, for a total of $9,366. Thank you for so generously giving
to our regular collection. The Second Collection in support of the Archdiocese of Military Services totaled $2,265.
Blessed Sacrament Church relies on the commitment and dedication of parishioners to maintain an active and vibrant community of believers. The Parish Pastoral Council (PPC) through Pastoral Planning, proposes policies that further the mission of the parish. Together with the Pastor, the council consults on pastoral matters and makes conclusions and recommendations to policies for the pastor’s approval.
We are excited to share that the Parish Pastoral Council is looking for new candidates to serve on the PPC. We invite all parishioners to nominate themselves, or candidates whom they believe would be willing and able to serve the parish in this capacity.
Eligible for Candidacy:
Registered Parishioners who are seventeen (17) years of age or older. Registered with Blessed Sacrament for at least one (1) year.
Served in some capacity (committee, council, or ministry) at Blessed Sacrament.
Attributes of a Strong Candidate:
Demonstrated dedication to serving the Church - the people of God. Commitment to discipleship through participating in the sacraments most especially the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, and encouraging others to do the same. Commitment to stewardship through willingness to give gifts of time, talent, and treasure as needed. Positive attitude and energy, willingness to work as part of a team, respectful of others opinions.
The Council meets approximately ten times a year (no July or August), usually the second Wednesday of the month from 7:00pm - 8:30pm. If you still would like to explore serving, we invite you to submit your nomination form in two ways:
1. Submit your nomination here:
2. Pick up a paper nomination form from the rectory and once completed, scan and email to [email protected] or drop it off at the Rectory to the attention of Mark Murphy.
On Saturday, December 1, 2019, “The Little Dancer… a holiday family musical” will make a triumphant return to New York City for its second production at Theatre 71.Written by Steven Fisher, the one-hour show tells the heart-warming story of how 14-year-old Marie Van Goethem, Edgar Degas’ model for his one and only sculpture, became the most famous ballerina in the world. Last year’s premier received rave reviews. “Steven Fisher’s ‘The Little Dancer’ is nothing less than extraordinary,” wrote Kristen Morale of Broadway World. “This production captures the very essence of magic that exists in a child’s heart.” The show was also featured on Good Morning America.The production will once again be directed by Richard Vida and choreographed by Lainie Sakakura, both Broadway veterans.
Recommended for children ages 6 to 106, “The Little Dancer... a holiday family musical”will run at Theatre 71 (152 W. 71st Street, 10023, right off Broadway) throughout the month of December. For more information and to purchase tickets visit
Registration for our Sunday Religious Education Program for Children has reopened. Registration forms must be received by the Wednesday before your child's start date. Classes began September 8th. We gather for the 10:00 Family Mass followed by class instruction in the school.
Registration Packets are posted on the Religious Education web pages of our Parish
Paper copies are available at the rectory. If you need additional information please call Tina Silvestro at 212-877-3111 or email at [email protected]
Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA)
Thinking of becoming a Catholic? Are you Baptized Catholic but have not received Communion or Confirmation? Inquiry discussions for adults began on Monday, October 7at 6:30 pm. To register or seek information, please call Tina Silvestro at the parish office (212-877-3111) or email at [email protected].
Each year we organize a Youth Choir to sing for the 5:30 Christmas Eve Family Mass. Children (from grade 3 up) and Teenagers are invited to join this CHRISTMAS EVE YOUTH CHOIR. Rehearsals are on Tuesdays November 19, 26, at 4-5:00 in the Church and Wednesdays December 4,11,18 at 4-5 pm in the Church. The Parent Permission form to sign up can be picked at the rectory office, downloaded from the Religious Education webpages ( Please call or email Tina Silvestro if you need more information.
212-877-3111; [email protected]
From the birthplace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Christian community is seeking your love and support through obtaining their handmade olive wood religious articles. These items will be displayed at the church after all masses this weekend November 16th and 17th. Your help can and will make a difference in the lives of your brothers and sisters in Bethlehem.
2020 Passion Play in Oberammegau
Every 10 years since the 17th century the village of Oberammegau, in thanksgiving to God for being spared the plague, has performed a play depicting the Passion of Jesus. We are planning a 10-day pilgrimage: July 3 -12, 2020 which includes not only the Passion Play but several sites in Switzerland and Germany. All inclusive package pricing including round trip airfare from New York is $4,790.00 per person, sharing a twin room. Tickets are limited. If interested please contact the rectory. Brochures are available in the rectory.
There will be a weekend retreat at Mariandale Center from December 13 – 15, “A Writer’s Winter Retreat”. Mariandale Center is run by The Dominican Sisters of Hope and is located near Ossining, NY. The retreat is open to everyone. A private room, all meals and all workshops are included.To register: For information: 914-941-4455.
CARE FOR CREATION BOOK DISCUSSION (“Laudato Si”) CIRCLE FORMING!!Our Blessed Sacrament Social Action Care for Creation Ministry knows that many parishioners are concerned about climate change, and that some might like to gather to talk about it. So the committee has decided to form a group and to use Pope Francis' encyclical about our common home, the earth, (“Laudato Si”) as the focus of our meetings. The group will meet approximately 8 evenings. Frequency, days and times will be decided by the group. If you would like to be a part of this, please call the Parish Office at 212 877-3111 or contact Tom at [email protected] or Terry at [email protected] . Once the group is formed, together we will pick a date in November for our first meeting.
"Meditation is simply a way to enter into God's presence." - John Main OBS, founder of World Community of Christian Meditation. This simple practice facilitated in the Christian traditions with Eastern comparative themes meets in the rectory on Wednesdays from 5:30 to 7pm. Pause in your day. Gain perspective. Deepen your faith.Contact [email protected]