Last Sunday $7,647 was received in the offertory baskets at Mass and $5,848 was received through WeShare, for a total of $13,495. Thank you for so generously giving to our regular collection. The second collection in support of The Church in Central & Eastern Europe totaled $2,083.
Thank you.
Additional offerings totaling $310 were received for the Easter collection bringing the total to date to $73,512. Again, thank you for your generosity and goodness.
Our Sunday School Classes for this year ended on May 19 with a Family Day. Family members were invited to attend their child’s class for a review of the year, receive their child’s Progress Reports, and join us for a buffet of cheese, crackers, bagels, fruit, and sweets. We had a wonderful year with 240 children enrolled in classes!
Sunday School will begin again on September 8. Registration Packets were emailed to the parents of current students and posted on the Sunday School website. Paper copies will also be available at the rectory. You must register your child each year. Please register by August 1.
If your child is not a current student please email me at [email protected] so I can send you a packet via email ….or you can pick up a registration packet at the rectory office.
We are so very grateful for the 20 Classroom Catechists, 8 Youth Assistants, several substitutes and event coordinators, and 3 Team members who monitor the school door, halls, and logistics. Without these generous and dedicated volunteers we would not be able to have our Religious Education Sunday Program for children.
If you have questions about Religious Education classes for children or wish to volunteer please call Tina Silvestro at 212-877-3111.
Does your child love to sing? The Blessed Sacrament Choristers will be looking for new voices for the 2019-2020 school year! Rehearsals will be Thursdays at 3:15 pm (for children in 2nd - 5th grade) and 4:00 pm (for those in 6th grade and above). Be a part of a wonderful tradition of music in our church! Rehearsals will start in the fall of 2019. For more information, please contact the Director of Music Ministry, Jason Roberts, at [email protected].
And we will have a guest choir at the 12:10 Mass on Wednesday, May 29, as the Youth Choir from First United Methodist Church in Athens, Georgia makes Blessed Sacrament Church a stop on their visit to New York City.