The Pascal Candle burns in memory of Wayne Dankert Remember him in your prayers
Our next Book Club will be held on May 27th, 6:30 to 8:00pm, when we will be reading Maya Angelou’s “I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings.” A book with a powerful theme of racism and oppression, it also raises important questions of how do we experience God’s love in suffering and rejection and how important is faith in a world where innocence is threatened by prejudice and sometimes hatred. Definitely a timely subject given recent events.
Thank you so very much for your generosity in the collection last Sunday. We gathered $9,600 in the first collection and also received $2,175 through ParishPay for a total of $11,775.-. Additional offerings toward the Easter collection were received for a total of $60,548. .A second collection will be gathered today to help our sisters and brothers suffering in Nepal as a result of the earthquake.
Hear the word of God with Reverence. Proclaim it with Faith
Celebrating the 50th anniversary of “Dei Verbum”
The Dogmatic Constitution on Divine Revelation
Saturday, June 20, 2015, New York Catholic Center
A day of talks, panel discussions and exhibits to increase your knowledge and appreciation of scripture.
For more information:
When: Thursday, May 14th at 5:00pm
Where: Foley Square (corner of Centre St and Woth St.
We will meet on the steps of Blessed Sacrament Church at 152 West 71st Street, at 4:15pm.
And then travel together by subway to Foley Square, where we will join a city-wide rally and march across the Brooklyn Bridge.
Together with faith communities and tenant advocates from across the city, Blessed Sacrament parishioners will rally to raise awareness about New York’s housing crisis. New York rent laws are set to expire on June 15th, putting over 1 million rent-dstabilized homes at risk. We will call on Albany to renew and strengthen the rent laws , and to help provide decent, affordable housing to all New Yorkers.
For more information, contact the Blessed Sacrament Social Action Committee at [email protected] or (208) 610.1783.
JUST A REMINDER; NEXT WEEKEND is our monthly non-perishable grocery collection for FOOD FOR FAMILIES. (In order to provide the highest quality serrvice to those who seek our help, we may only accept freshly bought, unopened non-perishable items. If this is not convenient, we also accept monetary donations).
Next Sunday too, there will be a collection for those who would wish to support the Parish Soup Kitchen.