Last Sunday $6,948 was received in the offertory baskets at Mass and $4,491 was received through WeShare, for a total of $11,439. Thank you for so generously giving to our regular collection. The second collection in support of our Soup Kitchen totaled $2,250. Thank you.
Please join us during any or all of the Wednesday of Lent: 4/3, 10, 17 for our Lenten Simple Suppers. Prayers and meditation begin at 7PM in the dining room of the rectory, followed by a meal of soup and salad…and fellowship. The suppers are a wonderful way to not only deepen one’s Lenten experience, but also to be able to reflect in a very comfortable and quiet setting with fellow parishioners. For more information, please call Chris Williams at 304-337-1252 or [email protected]. We look forward to seeing you then.
LENTEN SUNDAY VESPERS Women in Scripture: "She has been a helper of many and of myself as well" (Romans 16.2), is the title of the Lenten Sunday Vespers series to be held at Corpus Christi Church. Beginning March 10, each Sunday will bring speakers to address the subject of women in the Bible, both New and Old Testaments. Preachers will be Rev. Mary Foulke, pastor of St Mary's Episcopal Church in Harlem (March 10); Dr. Amy Kalmanofsky, of Jewish Theological Seminary (March 17); Rev. Victoria Sirota, formerly at St John the Divine Episcopal cathedral (March 24); Dr. Claudia Setzer, professor of Religious Studies at Manhattan College (April 7). Sundays at 4:00 pm. Corpus Christi Church, 529 West 121 Street, in Manhattan.
info: (212) 666-9350 or
email [email protected].
Sundays at 4:00 P.M.
April 7
Dr. Claudia Setzer
Manhattan College, Riverdale
Couples celebrating their 50th Wedding Anniversary anytime during 2019 are invited to attend the Golden Wedding Jubilee Mass with Cardinal Dolan at Saint Patrick’s Cathedral on Sunday, June 2 at 2:00 PM Pre-registration is required. Please contact William Moran at 212-877-3111 or [email protected] to register. The closing date to register for the Mass is Monday, May 13, 2019 at 5:00 PM
Anyone who needs to report an alleged incident of sexual abuse of a minor by a priest, deacon, religious or lay person serving in the Archdiocese of New York is asked to contact Sr. Eileen Clifford, O.P. at 212-371-1000 x 2949 or Deacon George J. Coppola at 917-861-1762. Both may also be reached via email at [email protected]. Information can also be found on the Archdiocesan website, In keeping with the Archdiocesan policy regarding sexual abuse of minors, this information is provided to ensure that our children remain safe and secure.
Girls Scouts Gold Award
Annamarie Cross, a girl scout in the process of achieving her Gold Award, will be speaking at all the Masses this weekend. Annamarie is asking for dog/cat supplies to be donated for her project to help homeless pets. If you have any food, toys, or clean towels, please consider making a donation to her project by dropping them into the box in the rectory where they will be collected. If you have any questions, you can contact Annamarie via email @ [email protected].
Sunday’s Gospel is the ever-familiar story of the Prodigal Son, but all Sunday’s readings could really be called the story of the Prodigal Father. Yes, the younger son in the Gospel was prodigal, that is extravagant, extravagant in a negative way; he took his rather substantial inheritance in an untimely way and then spent it on very unacceptable behaviors. But the father in the story might be described as even more prodigal or extravagant. He welcomes his wayward son back with not just an abundance of gifts, but also an abundance of love and forgiveness. This father reflects God, and in the first two readings we witness similar generosity. Our Prodigal God feeds the Israelites with manna in the desert and us with the most extravagant gift of all, Jesus Christ. So, in the words of St. Paul, “let us be reconciled to God…so that we might become the righteousness of God in Jesus.” Let us be prodigal, that is extravagant, in our love of God and compassion for one another.
~Pax Christi Metro New York
PAX CHRISTI’S 37th ANNUAL GOOD FRIDAY WAY OF THE CROSS: Join with hundreds of others in the largest public Christian peace witness in New York City. This Way of the Cross is a modern-day Stations of the Cross, witnessing for peace and justice in the streets of our city. The theme this year is “Jesus Calls Us to Truth and Forgiveness.” At each Station we reflect on our participation in a world still characterized by crucifixion. The walk begins at 8:30 AM on April 19th at 47th Street between First and Second Avenues and proceeds along 42nd Street, ending on 42nd Street between Eighth and Ninth Avenues around noon. For more information, please contact Pax Christi Metro New York at 212-420-0250, [email protected], or