FINANCE COMMITTEE CORNER Last Sunday $6,757 was received in the offertory baskets at Mass and $5,455.40 was received through Parish Pay, for a total of $12,212.40. Thank you for so generously giving to our regular collection. The second collection in support of The Sisters of Mary Adorers of the Holy Eucharist totaled $6,109.Thank you!
SUNDAY SCHOOL REGISTRATION Registration packets for current students are being sent by email.
Registration deadline is August 1.
Do not email back the completed form.
Send completed forms with the Sunday School fee of $150 per family by postal mail or drop it off at the rectory.
The registration packet will also be posted on the Sunday school website and paper copies will be available at the rectory office.
To receive a packet for first time registrations please send your email address to:
[email protected] , print it out from the Sunday school website: or pick it up at the rectory office.
JOIN BLESSED SACRAMENT’S BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS COMMITTEE It’s finally happening and we need your help. The parish’s Buildings and Grounds Committee is forming and still needs volunteers. The committee’s task is to find ways to better use the parish’s buildings’ spaces and improve energy usage. If you have experience with building design, renewable energy, construction, work in the building trades or just interested in helping to optimize the use of the parish’s facilities, the committee needs your help. This is an opportunity to help the parish be a better steward of its funds and the environment by reducing our utility bills and carbon footprint. Please contact Pia Ferrario at
[email protected].
PARISH PAY CAMPAIGN RESULTS Thank you to the 116 parishioners who participated in our Parish Pay Campaign in May. Of the 116, 98 are new enrollees and 18 increased their giving. As you recall, an anonymous group of parishioners committed to donate $10,000 to Blessed Sacrament if 150 parishioners signed up or increased their Parish Pay donations. The 116 is 77.3% of our 150 goal. At almost 80% of the goal, the anonymous group of parishioners decided to donate 77.3% of our goal, or $7,730, to Blessed Sacrament. We are grateful for their generosity!
Enjoy your summer and thank you for supporting our wonderful parish. May God Bless all of our donors.
JOY J The JoyJ initiative is pleased to announce that its next Homeless Outreach is being held on Saturday, July 15th , 2017.
The packing of the comfort bags will begin at 9:15am. From 10:00 - 10:15am Group location assignments, group photo, and prayer and from 10:15 - 10:30am McDonald's Gift Cards are dispersed and the groups go on their way.
If you want to participate, please send a message to [email protected] or leave your name at the Rectory.
CATHOLIC FAMILIES GROUP Please join our Blessed Sacrament Catholic Families Group! We offer a range of events to help each other in raising our children as Catholics and becoming better in our own practice of the faith. We also host a monthly moms' group. Sign up at - free to join and events are free.
LOVE & RESPONSIBILITY SERIES The Young Adult Outreach Program is excited to announce Love and Responsibility in NYC, returning to Immaculate Conception’s Outdoor Garden (414 East 14th Street, New York, NY)! Join world-renowned speakers who are flying in from across the country to discuss all things “relationship”. We are hosting a live concert EACH WEEK following the discussion with wine! EVENT IS FREE! For more information, visit our website at