WOMEN’S GROUP Blessed Sacrament is excited to announce the second meeting of our parish Women’s Group. All ages are welcome to attend and grow together in faith. Please join us on Sunday, July 19th at 4:00pm upstairs in the rectory. Treats will be served.
FLOWERS FOR THE ALTAR A great way to remember a loved one is to make an offering for the altar flowers. The offering is $150.00 and the name of the loved one will be remembered at Masses and in the bulletin. Thank you for your generosity.
COLLECTION Thank you so very much for your generous response to the needs of the parish. Our collection last Sunday was $7,556. $2,571 was received through ParishPay for a total of $10,127. For the Soup Kitchen: $1,280.
SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASSES Will begin on Sunday September 13 with the 10:00 am Family Mass in the Church. Religious instruction is held in the school after the Family Mass until 12:15.
Re-registration forms and information have been mailed to current students. Information and forms for new students can be picked up at the parish office or found on the Sunday School website:
Sunday School teachers and Assistants are needed to serve in this important Parish Ministry. Volunteers who work with children follow a screening process as required by the Archdiocese. Please call Tina Silvestro (212-877-3111) for more information.
RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION OF ADULTS Thinking of becoming a Catholic: Are you Catholic but have not received Communion or Confirmation? Inquiry discussions for adults will begin on Monday, September 28 at 6:30pm. Please call Tina Silvestro at the parish office (212-877-3111) to register or seek information.
FOOD FOR FAMILIES COLLECTION This weekend (and the 3rd weekend of every month) is our monthly non-perishable grocery collection for FOOD FOR FAMILIES. Shopping lists can be found on the table behind the last pew in the Church. Please put your donations in front of the side altar.
(In order to provide the highest quality service to those who seek our help, we may only accept freshly bought, unopened non-perishable items. If this is not convenient, we also accept monetary donations.)
CATHOLIC HOME SCHOOL CONFERENCE—JULY 31 & AUGUST 1, 2015 The Immaculate Heart of Mary New York Homeschool Conference will be held at Mercy College (at the Rotonda of Mercy Hall), 555 Broadway, in Dobbs Ferry, on Friday, July 31 (12:00 –6:00pm) and on Saturday, August 1 (9;30am-3:30pm). Confirmed speakers include: Dr. Ray Guarendi, Mrs. Colleen Billing, Mrs. Michele Quigley, Mr. Thomas Schiavo, Mrs. Virginia Seuffert, and Mr. Gary Zimak!
Admission is free and pre-registration is not required. For more information, please visit www.ihmconference.org, email:
[email protected] or call 540-636-1946.
POPE FRANCIS ON THE ENVIRONMENT We can no longer turn our backs on our reality, on our brothers and sisters, on mother earth, it is no longer licit for us to ignore what is happening to our surroundings as if certain situations did not exist or have nothing to do with our reality. Again, and again comes the strength of that question of God to Cain: “Where is your brother? I ask if our response continues to be: “Am I my brother’s keeper:?” God does not only give us life: he gives us the Earth , creation, he does not only give us a partner and endless possibilities: He also give us an invitation: he gives us a mission. He invites us to be part of his creative work and he says: “Cultivate! I am giving you seeds, soil, water and sun: I am giving you your hands and brothers and sisters. Creation is a gift to be shared.”
MISSION APPEALS FOR THE DIOCESE OF BUTARE, RWANDA—August 15-16, 2015 On August 15-16, a missionary from the diocese of Butare Ruanda will be visiting the parish. Rwanda is a small country situated in the heart of Africa that in 1994 experienced a horrific genocide that was politically motivated during which one million people were murdered in approximately 100 days. The genocide left behind many broken hearted like orphans, widows, traumatized…, and many destroyed infrastructures like schools, medical centers, even churches. The diocese of Butare has limited resources, this is why they seek some help from you so that they may be able to build more catholic schools and carry on these projects. and continue the mission of making the love of Christ known and felt among the people of Rwanda. The people of Rwanda hunger and thirst for new life. Through your sacrificial donation you will help in the sustenance of the life of the people of Rwanda who hunger and thirst for life, love, well-being, peace and joy. Your generous donation will contribute greatly to this mission of Jesus of sustaining life.
FOCUS ON MINDANAO– FAITH SEEKING JUSTICE: DEFENDING THE HUMAN RIGHTS OF INDIGENOUS PEOPLES OF MINDANAO. Mindanao in the Southern Philippines contains more than half the mineral wealth of the Philippines. It also has more than a million hectares of grasslands. Many large multinational agribusiness and mining corporations displaced many Lumads. Many of their leaders, and other human rights defenders have been subjected to harassment, torture and extra-judicial killings. Sister Famita Somogod, MSM, Amirah Ali Lidasan and Vennel Francis D. Chenfoo will speak on this situation and the church’s and the people’s response to human rights violations.
Wednesday, July 22, 2015—6:00-8:00pm
San Damiano Hall of the Church of St. Francis of Assisi, 135 West 31st St., New York, N.Y. 10001.