Finance Committee Corner Last Sunday $7,388 was received in the offertory
baskets at Mass and $5,973 was received through WeShare, for a total of $13,361. Thank you for so generously giving to our regular collection. The second collection in support of our Soup Kitchen totaled $2,233.
RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Sunday School will begin again on
September 9. Registration Packets have been emailed to the parents of current students and posted on the Sunday School website (
Paper copies will also be available at the rectory. You must register your child each year.
Register by August 1. If your child is not a current student please email me at [email protected] so I can send you a packet via email or stop by the rectory to pick up a paper copy of the registration packet.
If you need additional information please call Tina Silvestro at 212-877-3111 or email the above address.
VOLUNTEERS NEEDED FOR OUR SUNDAY RELIGIOUS EDUCATION PROGRAM We need Catechists ! Due to family and professional obligations, several our Sunday Catechists will be leaving us this year. We are so very grateful for the time they have given to provide religious instruction for our Parish children each Sunday. It is a vital ministry that paves the way for our future church. A successful program depends on many volunteers. Consider you gifts and talents ....... can you be a Catechist or an Assistant?
All who work with children must complete a screening process as provided by the Archdiocese. It consists of a background check and attending an abuse awareness and prevention class here at Blessed Sacrament or online.
If you have questions about our Religious Education Program and wish to volunteer please call Tina Silvestro at 212-877-3111.
RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION OF ADULTS (RCIA) Thinking of becoming a Catholic? Are you Baptized Catholic but have not received Communion or Confirmation? Inquiry discussions for adults will begin on Monday, September 24 at 6:30 pm. Please call Tina Silvestro at the parish office (212-877-3111) to register or seek information.
ST. VINCENT DEPAUL All are welcome to attend the next St. Vincent de Paul meeting taking place in the rectory. We will be meeting on Tuesday, July 17th, at 6:30PM. Hope to see you there.
CENTERING PRAYER GROUP The Monday night Centering Prayer Group will not hold meetings From August 1 through Labor Day.
Contact person: Mary Jebara 973-714-1409
Downey Side Adoption Agency is seeking families interested in adoption. Fr. Paul Engel ofm Cap is the Director of the agency that places older children from 7- 17 years old with permanent families. All are welcome to schedule a free orientation meeting to learn more about adoption by calling 212-714-2200. Learn more about adopting an older child and Downey Side at
PALS (PREGNANCY AFTER LOSS) MEET UP GROUP NEW YORK NY Want to find other moms who are going through the emotional journey of pregnancy after loss? Are you in need of a community that meets in person and seems like old friends that you can talk to about the grief and the joys that come with being pregnant again after your other baby died? Then join a local PALS (Pregnancy After Loss Support) Meet-Up. Please contact Megan Brandow-Faller at
[email protected] for more information.
SPIRIT IN ACTION GROUP Spirit in Action is a group sponsored by the church of St. John the Baptist in New York City. It is a club for mature Catholics over 50 years of age who are interested in getting together for spiritual, cultural, and social activities. Members receive newsletters concerning upcoming events. If you are interested in joining, please call our Hotline: 212-560-2366 and leave a message after the beep.
THE JOYJ INITIATIVE-Seeks EMs for The Riverside Premier Rehabilitation and Healing Center
The Lord said, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few.” The JoyJ needs Eucharist Ministers to bring comfort and joy to those poor souls who anxiously look forward to receiving the body of Christ every week. If you’re not an EM and are interested, we will train you. One EM attends the 12:10 P.M. Mass on Wednesday and takes the hosts to The Riverside where several other EMs have gathered at 1:15 P.M. They divide the floors between them and it usually takes approximately 1 1/2 hours. If you are interested in serving and loving others in your daily life, please leave your contact information at the Rectory. Thank you and God bless you.