Last Sunday $6,015 was received in the offertory baskets at Mass and $10,614 was received through WeShare, for a total of $16,629. Thank you for so generously giving to our regular collection.
An additional $14,837.5 was received toward the Christmas collection bringing the total to $71,712.5. Thank you.
Thank you to the 191 donors who raised $510,478.48 in the 2018 Parish Year End Appeal! The majority of these funds will be put towards the major electrical and elevator work that will take place this summer, with a small portion of the funds helping to support our daily operations. Please pray that these major projects go well…initial surveys on the electric and elevator work will begin in January.
The Parish Conference of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul will meet on Tuesday, January 9th at 6:30pm in the Rectory. All are welcome to attend!
Our parish conference of the St. Vincent de Paul Society has partnered with the Sisters of Life and are asking parishioners to contribute their infant and toddlers' old clothes and child accessories for the ladies in their care. The Sisters of Life are devoted to assisting young mothers to both encourage them to have their babies as well as to assist them in taking care of their babies. They provide housing, food, and medical care for these mothers. On the weekend of Jan. 19-20 we are asking parents to donate their children's old clothing, bibs, linens, furniture and/or strollers that they no longer need. We will be collecting these items after all masses on that weekend.
Please do not bring items at any other time as storage space here is at a minimum.
We sincerely thank you for your generosity and thoughtfulness.
On Sunday, January 13, 2019 at 9:30 A.M.( you need to stay for the 10 A.M. Mass) in the Sacristy, we will begin altar server training for anyone interested in assisting the priest on the altar for Mass.
-available to be assigned for any Mass ( Saturday/Sunday) on a rotating basis
-already received First Communion and ages 7 to 100+
-desire to serve Our Lord by being an altar server
-available for all 4 training sessions
- additional dates you must be available for are: Jan. 27, Feb. 3, 10 all dates are Sunday’s and we will meet at 9:30A.M. followed by the 10 A.M. Mass
Pre-registration is mandatory by e-mailing Chris Miller at [email protected] with your name, a cell phone number for contact, email address, age if under 18 with a parents name and cell number.
If you have any questions please contact: Marlon Hosang at 917.968.2795 or Chris Miller at 917.612.7833.