Finance Committee Corner Last Sunday $7,986 was received in the offertory
baskets at Mass and $4,687.4 was received through Parish Pay, for a total of $12,673.4. Our average weekly operating budget is $15,000. Thank you for so generously giving to our regular collection.
Parish Mission This fall, the Archdiocese of New York launched an exciting mission and evangelization program called Revive: Faith Every Day. The three-day program will be led by Fr. Innocent Smith, OP, a Dominican priest and mission preacher. It will be held on
Monday – Wednesday from 7 – 8pm, February 6th, 7th, and 8th. You don’t want to miss it!
ARCHDIOCESAN - WIDE FOOD CAMPAIGN Once again, Blessed Sacrament Parish is participating in Feeding Our Neighbors, an Archdiocesan - Wide Drive to replenish dwindling Food Pantries in our community. From January 28 through February 5, you can Feed Our Neighbors by replenishing the Blessed Sacrament Food Pantry, our sister pantry at the Kennedy Center on West 134 Street and pantries across the Archdiocese. It only takes one small action to feed the hungry. Together we can change lives.
Four simple ways to participate are: (1) Bring non-perishable foods to Saturday and Sunday Masses between January 28th and February 5th (2) Support by donating money during a Mass collection or make an on-line donation at (3) Volunteer at a Food Pantry near you and 4) Tell your legislators we must feed children at risk of hunger by using Bread for the World at
Members of the Social Action Committee and others will be collecting your donated food in the BIG WHITE BOXES at the Church entrance. Pick up a flyer for a food list and more
Blessed Sacrament School Catholic Schools Week Events
Sunday, January 29th: SBS Parish Open House 11:00-12:00
Tuesday, January 31st: SBS 7th Grade Production of Haunting Romeo @ 6:30 in Blessed Sacrament Theater
Wednesday, February 1st: SBS 7th Grade Production of Haunting Romeo @ 6:30 in Blessed Sacrament Theater
Thursday, February 2nd: SBS Art Show @ 6:00 in Church Hall
Friday, February 3rd: Mass/8th Grade Ring Ceremony @ 10:45
A reminder to parents and students:
*Also, we will not have class on January 29. The Blessed Sacrament School open house will take place in the school.
*Sunday School Progress Reports for the 1st semester will be given out on February 5.
Religious Education Ministry Interested in being part of Church Ministry? We are looking for potential volunteer Catechists, Assistants, and Substitute Catechists for our Sunday School Program. We have a program of 12 classes with 245 students enrolled. Curriculum and guidance is provided. All adults who work with children must follow a simple screening process as provided by the Archdiocese.
If you are interested, please call Tina Silvestro at 212-877-3111.
SAINT BLAISE Friday of this week is the feast of Saint Blaise. Blaise, a martyr of the church, is associated with the healing of throats and so on this feast day a special blessing of throats is offered.
Here in the parish, throats will be blessed at the conclusion of each of the masses: 7:30 AM, 10:45 AM (with the students at the school), 12:10 PM, 5:30 PM and 7:00 PM in Spanish.
NEXT SPIRIT SUNDAY JANUARY 29th Please join us 1/29 following the 5:30PM Mass (in the parish hall below the church) for the first Fall Spirit Sunday. Appetizers, drinks, and a whole lot of Spirit will be served! Join us for a drink, a bite, and some friendly fellowship. If you have any questions or would like to be part of the planning for Spirit Sunday, please contact John Gasdaska at 646-345-7350.
Register for Adult Faith Formation / Lay Leadership Courses The Archdiocese of New York and Fordham University are partnering to bring you new online courses that will help you understand and live your Catholic Faith. These courses are mainly intended for those involved in parish leadership or ministry. However, they are open to all who are interested in learning more about their faith.
For a limited time, the courses are being offered for free. Visit BLACK HISTORY MONTH MASS Annual Archdiocesan Black History Month Mass & The National Day of Prayer for the African America & African Family
Sunday, February 5
th, 2017 at 2:00pm
St. Patrick’s Cathedral
th Ave and 51
st St.
For more information contact The Office of Black Ministry at
[email protected]