Last Sunday $3,953 was received in the offertory baskets at Mass and $8,147 was received through WeShare, for a total of $12,100.
Thank you for so generously giving to our regular collection.
Join us Tuesday evenings during Advent December 1, 8, 15, and 22 at 6 pm - 7 pm for prayers, readings, meditation, and reflection. This is our online version of Simple Suppers that have been offered during Advent and Lent. We hope you can join us for a pause in our busy week to connect, share our faith, and prepare for the anticipation and joy of Christmas. Please email Chris Williams for more information or join via this zoom link.
(Meeting ID: 932 2920 1343 Passcode: 091748)
Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA)
Thinking of becoming a Catholic? Are you Baptized Catholic but have not received Communion or Confirmation? Inquiry discussions via Zoom began on Monday, November 2. To register or seek information, please email Tina Silvestro at [email protected] or call the rectory at 212-877-3111.
The Faith Community of Blessed Sacrament Parish invites you to:
Parable and Poetry Retreat
Discovering Inner Peace During Stressful Times
Sr. Patricia Bruno, O.P. and Fr. Jude Siciliano, O.P. are returning to offer us a much-needed retreat for the new year.
If you’re feeling weary and deflated by the pandemic, or disillusioned by economic, racial and political strife, join us via Zoom for this uplifting retreat to enjoy fellowship and receive spiritual nourishment from the comfort of your home! Our retreat will help us prepare for and enter the holy season of Lent.
Wednesday, Jan. 27 – 10 am or 7 pm
Wednesday, Feb. 3 – 10am or 7 pm
Wednesday, Feb. 10 – 10am or 7 pm
Wednesday, Feb 17 – 10 am or 7pm
When you sign up for the retreat you will receive a Pre-recorded Introductory video which you can watch at your convenience. This video will also reassure you that your request to participate in the retreat has been received.
Prior to each session, you will receive:
- A link to a 30-minute video to watch at your convenience, which includes scripture, preaching and selected poems for private reflection.
- A Zoom link to participate in a 50-minute prayer/reflection group.
Registration will take place from January 3-15
To register email William Moran, [email protected]
Hour Children’s name acknowledges the key hours that impact the life of a child with an incarcerated mother – the hour of her arrest, the hour of their visit, and the hour of their reunification. Our mission is to help incarcerated and formerly incarcerated women and their children successfully rejoin the community, reunify with their families, and build healthy, independent, and secure lives.
In a year of unprecedented need, Hour Children...housed 180 mothers and childrenhelped 90 women re-enter the workforceprovided care and mentoring to 190 children across New York Citybrought over 300 children and incarcerated mothers together for visitsfed over 12,000 of our neighbors
We are holding a toy drive to benefit this great foundation. A drop off box will be in the back of our church.Please consider being part of Hour mission by sharing what you can. The last day to drop off toys is the 20th of December.