Last Sunday $10,114 was received through WeShare. Thank you for so generously giving to our regular collection.
Since New York is at the epicenter of this health crisis, allow us to restate what has already been announced:
• Mindful of everyone’s health, and for the sake of uniformity, palms are not to be distributed to the faithful at this time. They may be blessed at a later date using the form of blessing outside of Mass. Do not place palms outside church for people to come and pick up. We will announce the date of distribution as time goes on.
• The Mass of the Chrism will be celebrated in June, either on the Feast of the Sacred Heart or Ss. Peter and Paul, depending on circumstances at that time. The Holy Oils will be distributed when we have the Mass. Until then, continue to use the oils blessed last year. We have an ample supply at the cathedral
• The laws of fast and abstinence are in effect for Good Friday. There has been no dispensation given. The norms on fasting are obligatory from age 18 until age 59. The norms concerning abstinence from meat and poultry are binding upon members of the Latin Catholic Church from age 14 onwards).
Rice Bowls – we will collect the monies saved in our Rice bowls the second Sunday Mass when we are free to return to Church.
Also, everyday at 12:30pm I hope you all can join me in praying the rosary together via Zoom. Simply dial (408) 638-0968 follow the instructions given by the operator. The meeting ID is 2601036575.
Some users will be asked for a password, which is 903184.
We will have Mass for Palm Sunday on the Blessed Sacrament Website this Sunday
We would greatly appreciate it if you all could please continue, at a minimum, with your current level of support. One easy way to do so is through our online giving provider; WeShare.
Father David Nolan
MNYCCM Lenten Reflection
He is risen! This Easter, we joyfully sing, adding our song of praise for Christ Jesus to the global chorus. We also give thanks for the commitment to choose plant-based food more often, to avoid wasting food and energy. These acts help us freeing ourselves from earthly things and grow closer in our relationship with God. Christian simplicity in life is exactly that. Living simply, avoiding consumerism and caring for creation can help us grow closer to God
Now this is our boast: Our conscience testifies that we have conducted ourselves in the world, and especially in our relations with you, with integrity and godly sincerity. We have done so, relying not on worldly wisdom but on God’s grace. (2 Corinthians 1:12)