Role of Lector: Ministry for men and women. Lectors proclaim the readings at the mass. When the lector, the deacon and the Priest proclaim the Word of God, Jesus is speaking to us, “In the Word of God proclaimed and heard, and in the sacraments, Jesus says today, here and now, to each person: “I am yours, I give myself to you”, so that we can receive and respond, saying “I am yours.” (Verbum Domini) If you are interested in serving as a lector, please speak with one of the priests or leave your name at the rectory.
Role of the Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion: Extraordinary Ministers are called upon to assist the priests and deacons in the distribution of the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ in the Mass. They may also volunteer to take Holy Communion to nursing homes and to those who are homebound
Altar Servers
Parishioners of any age who have made their First Communion are invited to participate as Altar Servers to assist the priest in the celebration of Sunday Mass.
Rectory Office 212-877-3111
Ushers and Greeters
We are always in need of ushers and greeters to welcome parishioners, take up the collection and distribute bulletins.
Rectory Office 212-877-3111