Finance Committee Corner Last Sunday $8,054 was received in the offertory baskets at Mass and $5,140 was received through Parish Pay, for a total of $13,194. Thank you for so generously giving to our regular collection. The second collection helping assist those devastated by the recent hurricanes and earthquakes totaled $5,950.
Thank you!
October 1 – Second Collection this weekend St. Joseph’s Seminary. Founded in Yonkers as the Archdiocesan Seminary in 1896, since 2011, St. Joseph’s now serves as the regional major seminary for the Archdiocese of New York as well as the Dioceses of Brooklyn and Rockville Centre. “Rooted in the apostolic community fathered around Jesus Christ, St. Joseph’s Seminary seeks to form future priests who will hand on the life and tradition of the Church’s faith in the context of the new evangelization of the twenty-first century. To accomplish this, St. Joseph’s Seminary offers a program of human, spiritual, intellectual, and pastoral formation that is faithful to the Magisterium of the Catholic Church.” (St. Joseph’s Website)
To commemorate the feast of St. Francis, on Wednesday, October 4th at 6:15 PM we will celebrate the traditional blessing of the animals. Please join us at the 5:30PM Mass or immediately after on the front steps of church.
MOM’S NIGHT Please join us for our Monthly Moms' Night – The Group meets every second Tuesday of the month at 7pm in the Rectory. The next meeting will be October 10
th. We share refreshments and help each other grow in faith and raise our children as committed Catholics. All details can be found on Meetup:
CATHOLIC FAMILIES GROUP Please join our Blessed Sacrament Catholic Families Group! We offer a range of events to help each other in raising our children as Catholics and becoming better in our own practice of the faith. We also host a monthly moms' group. Sign up at - free to join and events are free.
FATHER WILLIAM MENINGER Please save the date for
October 16,
7 to 8:30: Trappist monk and best-selling author, Fr. William Meninger will present a talk on "The Loving Search for God in an Age of Discontent" at Blessed Sacrament Church.
This Sunday, October 1
st, all are invited to Coffee Hour and
Spirit Sunday! Coffee Hour will take place in the Rectory after all the morning Masses and Spirit Sunday will take place in the Hall after the 5:30PM Mass.
The Companions of Jesus are a charismatic Haitian prayer group, and all are welcome to attend. The group meets every Friday in the Rectory from 7-9PM. Prayers are held in French, Creole, and English.
SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASSESFOR 2017-2018 began on Sunday, September 10. Religious instruction is held in the school from 11:00 -12:15. Re-registration forms have been emailed to current students and posted on the Sunday School website. Students must register each year. For students who will be new to the program please send your email to:
[email protected] or pick up a packet at the rectory or go to the Sunday school website: PLEASE DO NOT EMAIL THE COMPLETED FORMS BACK!!! Please send by postal mail or drop off completed forms with a $150 check per family at the rectory office.
The Sunday School Parent meeting will take place in your child's classroom on Sunday, October 1 after the Family Mass. This is an opportunity to meet the Catechist, learn about the Sunday School curriculum, class requirements, and to ask questions.
VOLUNTEERS NEEDED Sunday School teachers and Assistants are needed to serve in this important Parish Ministry. Volunteers who work with children follow a screening process as required by the Archdiocese. Please call or email Tina Silvestro for more information. 212-877-3111 or
[email protected] .
RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION OF ADULTS RCIA is the process designed by the Church for adults to receive the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and First Communion. The goals are to give a complete overview of Catholic teaching and practice and to begin to deepen a Christian spiritual life centered in the Sunday Scripture readings. The sacraments are received at the Easter Vigil Mass.
Inquiry discussions for adults will begin on Monday, September 25 at 6:30 pm. If you (or anyone you know) are interested in learning more about our program or registering, please call Tina Silvestro at 212-877-3111.
Sponsors are needed for adults who are preparing for the Sacraments of Initiation. You must be Baptized, Confirmed, and regularly receive Communion. You will be needed to assist someone as s/he prepares for the Sacraments and present her/him for the Rites of Christian Initiation. Please call or email Tina Silvestro for more information: 212-877-3111/[email protected] THEATRE AT BLESSED SACRAMENT SEEKS STAGE TECHNICIANS The Theatre at Blessed Sacrament is seeking stage technicians to assist with rental projects. Applicants must have a background and experience in technical theatre, especially lighting and sound. These are hourly paid positions; work is part-time and occasional, and can often fit into varying schedules. If interested, contact Jack Going,
[email protected] (or leave contact information at the Rectory) for further information and application procedures. Thank you!
This acclaimed film series raises the great moral questions embedded in real life, often lived out in difficult circumstances. In his ten hour-long films, the late and legendary director and co-writer Krzysztof Kieslowski explores the theme and challenge of each Commandment through characters living in a typical Soviet-era housing complex.
Come join us starting October 11
th from 7:30pm – 9:00pm for this thought provoking series and for a discussion after each film.
[email protected] SEASON OF CREATION As this Season of Creation comes to a close with the Oct. 4
th Feast of St. Francis of Assisi, let’s ask ourselves how we are doing.
• Have I taken the time to deepen my appreciation of the gifts of creation and to see God in all things?
• Did I give thanks for all of creation?
• Have I responded to the urging of Pope Francis in the
Laudato Si’ Pledge to:
a) pray for and with creation
b) live more simply, and
c) advocate to protect our common home?
• In reviewing the Season, did I decide what actions I would take to live out my pledge?
• Have I thought about what measures I will take to protect our common home by reducing my carbon
• If I fell short, can I ask God’s help in the days to come?
Of course our actions to care for creation do not end with this Season of Creation. Let us pray that we have the fortitude to make them part of our daily lives.
We will officially close the Season with Blessed Sacrament’s celebration of the
Blessing of the Animals to take place during the Feast of St. Francis on Wednesday October 4th.
Thank you for responding to the call of Pope Francis’ to care for creation. Wishing you blessings and a sense of fulfillment in our mutual struggle to protect the beauty of creation and our common home, Earth.