Last Sunday $6,711 was received in the offertory baskets at Mass and $3,810 was received through WeShare, for a total of $10,521. Thank you for so generously givingto our regular collection.
Registration for our Sunday Religious Education Program for Children has reopened. Registration forms must be received by the Wednesday before your child's start date. Classes began September 8th. We gather for the 10:00 Family Mass followed by class instruction in the school.
Registration Packets are posted on the Religious Education web pages of our Parish
Paper copies are available at the rectory. If you need additional information please call Tina Silvestro at 212-877-3111 or email at [email protected]
Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA)
Thinking of becoming a Catholic? Are you Baptized Catholic but have not received Communion or Confirmation? Inquiry discussions for adults began on Monday, October 7 at 6:30 pm. To register or seek information, please call Tina Silvestro at the parish office (212-877-3111) or email at [email protected].
Photographers of all ages and skill levels are invited to submit original photos that demonstrate the beauty of our church for Blessed Sacrament's 2nd annual Christmas Card Contest. Seasonal/holiday photos are preferred. Photo submissions are due by November 5th. To submit your photo, go to:
The winning photo will be featured on the front of our Christmas card and the winner will receive 2 complimentary boxes of our beautiful Christmas card. The Christmas season is quickly approaching. Please participate in this Christmas card fundraiser!
Catholic Moms' Night: Please join us Tuesday, November 12, at 7pm in the Rectory. RSVP is appreciated - it is free to join our group and events are free. If you can't RSVP, come anyway - we look forward to meeting you and helping each other as moms and Catholics!
2020 Passion Play in Oberammegau
Every 10 years since the 17th century the village of Oberammegau, in thanksgiving to God for being spared the plague, has performed a play depicting the Passion of Jesus. We are planning a 10-day pilgrimage: July 3 -12, 2020 which includes not only the Passion Play but several sites in Switzerland and Germany. All inclusive package pricing including round trip airfare from New York is $4,790.00 per person, sharing a twin room. Tickets are limited. If interested please contact the rectory. Brochures are available in the rectory
Podemos ignorarla. No hablar de ella. Vivir intensamente cada día y olvidarnos de todo lo demás. Pero no lo podemos evitar. Tarde o temprano, la muerte va visitando nuestros hogares arrebatándonos a nuestros seres más queridos.¿Cómo reaccionar ante ese accidente que se nos lleva para siempre a nuestro hijo? ¿Qué actitud adoptar ante la agonía del esposo que nos dice su último adiós? ¿Qué hacer ante el vacío que van dejando en nuestra vida tantos amigos y personas queridas?La muerte es como una puerta que traspasa cada persona a solas. Una vez cerrada la puerta, el muerto se nos oculta para siempre. No sabemos qué ha sido de él. Ese ser tan querido y cercano se nos pierde ahora en el misterio. ¿Cómo vivir esa experiencia de impotencia, desconcierto y pena inmensa?
No es fácil. Durante estos años hemos ido cambiando mucho por dentro. Nos hemos hecho más críticos, pero también más vulnerables. Más escépticos, pero también más necesitados. Sabemos mejor que nunca que no podemos darnos a nosotros mismos todo lo que en el fondo anhela el ser humano.
Por eso quiero recordar, precisamente en esta sociedad, unas palabras de Jesús que sólo pueden resonar en nosotros, si somos capaces de abrirnos con humildad al misterio último que nos envuelve a todos: «No se turbe vuestro corazón. Creed en Dios. Creed también en mí».Creo que casi todos, creyentes, poco creyentes, menos creyentes o malos creyentes, podemos hacer dos cosas ante la muerte: llorar y rezar. Cada uno y cada una, desde su pequeña fe. Una fe convencida o una fe vacilante y casi apagada. Nosotros tenemos muchos problemas con nuestra fe, pero Dios no tiene problema alguno para entender nuestra impotencia y conocer lo que hay en el fondo de nuestro corazón.Cuando tomo parte en un funeral, suelo pensar que, seguramente, los que nos reunimos allí, convocados por la muerte de un ser querido, podemos decirle así:
«Estamos aquí porque te seguimos queriendo, pero ahora no sabemos qué hacer por ti. Nuestra fe es pequeña y débil. Te confiamos al misterio de la Bondad de Dios. Él es para ti un lugar más seguro que todo lo que nosotros te podemos ofrecer. Sé feliz. Dios te quiere como nosotros no hemos sabido quererte. Te dejamos en sus manos».
Fr D’Angelo Jiménez Bibliografía A. Pagola.
Parish Mission
November 10 – 13 Fr. Jude Siciliano, OP and Sister Patricia, OP will be here to give us a Parish Mission. They will preach at all the Sunday Masses, have scripture-based discussion groups Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday mornings and preaching with rituals Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday evenings at 7:00pm.
In observance of THE 800th ANNIVERSARY
Year of the historic meeting between ST FRANCIS and the SULTAN of Egypt in 1219, Fr Patrick Ryan, S.J., will give a talk entitled "Catholic Encounters with Muslims : Francis of Assisi, Ignatius of Loyola, and Pope Francis". SUNDAY, November 3, 1:00 pm. Corpus Christi Church, 529 West 121 Street, Manhattan. In the Auditorium. Refreshments will be offered. Info: [email protected]
CARE FOR CREATION BOOK DISCUSSION (“Laudato Si”) CIRCLE FORMING!!Our Blessed Sacrament Social Action Care for Creation Ministry knows that many parishioners are concerned about climate change, and that some might like to gather to talk about it. So the committee has decided to form a group and to use Pope Francis' encyclical about our common home, the earth, (“Laudato Si”) as the focus of our meetings. The group will meet approximately 8 evenings. Frequency, days and times will be decided by the group. If you would like to be a part of this, please call the Parish Office at 212 877-3111 or contact Tom at [email protected] or Terry at [email protected] . Once the group is formed, together we will pick a date in November for our first meeting.
"Meditation is simply a way to enter into God's presence." - John Main OBS, founder of World Community of Christian Meditation. This simple practice facilitated in the Christian traditions with Eastern comparative themes meets in the rectory on Wednesdays from 5:30 to 7pm. Pause in your day. Gain perspective. Deepen your faith.Contact [email protected]