Click above to view a list of the mothers especially honored for Mothers Day
COLLECTION A word of thanks for your generous response to the needs of the parish. Last Sunday $10,388 was received in the offertory baskets at Mass and $3,859 was received through parish pay.... for a total Sunday offering of $14,247. A second offering of $410 was collected to support our Soup Kitchen.
In addition, $1,362 was collected on Ascension Thursday. Again, thank you for your generosity.
Blessed Sacrament Gay Fellowship Please join us for a formational meeting of Blessed Sacrament’s Gay Fellowship on Sunday, May 22, after the 5:30PM mass in the rectory dining room. The meeting will be from 6:45PM-8PM to meet one another and to discuss the future direction of the Group. Refreshments will be served.
Should you have any questions, please call John Gasdaska #
646-345-7350 or James Palazza #
646-456-8878. See you then!
Months Mind Mass Friday, May 20th, is one month since the death of Msgr. O’Connor. To close our time of mourning, we will celebrate a special Month’s Mind Mass at 5:30pm this friday followed by a reception in the rectory.
Share Your Voice: Take Our Parish Survey Whether you are a long-standing parishioner or newcomer, you are invited to share your voice and help plan the future direction of our church by participating in a Parish Survey.
All parishioners are encouraged to complete the Parish Survey to assist Blessed Sacrament in its long-term planning. The results will be used to develop a pastoral plan and vision to better serve parishioners and our community.
Beginning May 14, the survey, which consists of multiple-choice and open-ended questions, will be distributed during all Masses in both English and Spanish. Parishioners are encouraged to complete the survey before the end of Mass for collection by Parish volunteers. The survey will also be available online at
Please complete the online survey and return paper surveys to the rectory by May 31.
For more information, contact Caitlin Marcoux at
[email protected] or 412.737.3421.
BOOK CLUB The Book Club will meet May 25, 6:30 to 8:00. We will be reading the Pulitzer Prize winning novel "Gilead" by Marilynne Robinson. It's a novel whose core theme is intergenerational conflict, but also a meditation on how even the simplest life, the small circumstances and events of our lives, can be touched by grace and wonder.
Lector and Eucharistic Minister Training Wednesday, May 25, 6:30 - 8:00 PM in the Church We are in need of more lectors to minister the Word and Eucharistic ministers. If you have a love for Scripture and would like to serve as a lector or would like to administer Communion to your fellow parishioners as a Eucharistic minister, please come to the training session. All training will be held in the Church. No need to RSVP. Email Kimberley LaMarque Orman (
[email protected]) or Brian Fallon (
[email protected]) with any questions.
Amoris Laetitia Course The Pope's latest document is groundbreaking, and indeed, controversial. The print version will be available the first week of May. Fr. Michael Holleran will be offering a Saturday morning course to explain, interpret and discuss the document.
When: May 14th, 28th, and June 4th, from 10:30am to noon,
Where: The Merton Center of Notre Dame's Church (405 W 114th Street, NY, NY)
The evening will include distinguished panelists from the
Franciscan Action Network, the Global Catholic Climate Movement, ROAR – Religious Organizations Along the River, and the Justice & Peace Office of the Archdiocese of NY.