5:30pm (English)
8:30am (English)
9:45am (Family Mass – English)
11:15am (Spanish)
12:30pm (Choir - English)
4:00pm (Families with special needs)
and 5:30pm (Young Adult Choir - English)
The palms will be distributed and solemnly blessed at the beginning of every Mass on West 71st Street.
If you would like to remember loved ones at Easter by making an offering toward the cost of the Easter Flowers, please place your offering in an envelope and print clearly on the front of the envelope, or on a sheet enclosed, the name or names of those in whose memory the offering is made. Those names will be included in the Easter bulletin and the Easter Mass programs. All of the Masses on Easter Sunday will be offered for them.
It is important to have all the names in the rectory by 12 noon on Wednesday, April 1st, 2015, so that they will be properly listed.
Will take place on Holy Saturday 4/4/2015 at 12:00 noon
Monday, March 30th, 2015 is the Day of Penance here in the Archdiocese of New York. Hopefully, in preparation for the celebration of the Pascal Triduum and Easter, if you have not already done so, you will come to church to celebrate the sacrament of Penance. A priest will be available in the confessional from 3:00pm until 9:00pm
The confessors:
Father Paul – 3:00pm until 4:30pm
Father Fred – 4:30pm until 6:00pm
Father Alexis – 6:00pm until 7:30pm
Father Duffell – 7:30pm until 9:00pm
During the Pascal Triduum, which begins on Thursday night at 7:30pm and concludes with the close of the Easter Vigil, Saturday night., there will be no public celebration of the sacraments. Should you wish to celebrate penance, just come to the rectory.
On Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of Holy Week.
Masses are offered at 7:30am, 12:10pm and 5:30pm
The Pascal Triduum
(On each of these days) Morning Prayer/ Tenebrae is prayed at 9:30am.
Holy Thursday – The Liturgy of the Lord’s Supper
Good Friday
3:00pm (Spanish)
5:30pm (English)
The Solemn Liturgy of the Lord’s Suffering and Dying
Stations of the Cross – 12 noon (English) 2:00pm (Spanish)
Holy Saturday – The Great Easter Vigil
Easter Sunday
8:30am (English)
9:45am (English)
11:00am (Spanish)
12:30pm (English)
5:30pm (English)
Pax Christi Metro New York invites you to its 33rd consecutive Good Friday Way of the Cross as a way to shine God’s light on a sometimes dark and sinful city and world. Commemorating Jesus’suffering in His own life and in the lives of people throughout the world today, hundreds process together, praying for changes in ourselves and in society. Concluding with a 15th station, we are reminded that we are a Resurrection people in a Good Friday world. The walk begins at 8:30am on April 3rd at 47th Street between First and Second Avenues, proceeds along 42nd Street and ends on 42nd Street between Eighth and Ninth Avenues around noon. For more information, please contact Pax Christi Metro NY at 212-420-0250 or [email protected].
Our Lenten journey with CRS Rice Bowl comes to an end during Holy Week. Starting with Palm Sunday Masses, Social Action Committee members and fellow parishioners will be stationed at the church entrance to collect your Rice Bowls. 75% of your donation will go to Catholic Relief Services programs serving the poorest of the poor overseas. 25% will go toward NY archdiocesan projects that minister to the poor and vulnerable in our own community. We will continue to collect Rice Bowls on Holy Thursday, Good Friday, Easter Vigil and Easter Sunday. You can always turn in your Rice Bowl at the rectory. If you made an online donation, please let us know so that we can include it in our totals.
Our collection for March 22nd was $8,381.– And through ParishPay: $1,891.- for a total of $10,272.- We are grateful for your support.
Our new Visiting Friends Program is up and running with great success. Volunteers are visiting homebound people in the neighborhood, bringing the comfort of companionship and social interaction. Flyers are available in the back of the church with information on the program. If you know of someone (friend, relative or neighbor) who might benefit from and welcome a visitor, please email us at [email protected].–be sure to put “Visiting Friends Program” in the subject box. You can also leave the information at the Rectory.
JOYJ INITIATIVE—Easter Egg Lenten Project
JoyJ is once again sponsoring an Easter Egg Lenten Project. On March 28th a basket of eggs will be placed on the Blessed Mother’s altar on the right side of the church. Inside each egg are requests for t-shirts, toothpaste, McDonald’s or Subway gift cards, socks, wipes, protein fruit bars, etc. We ask that gift cards not exceed $10.00 per card. Donations will be collected on Saturday, April 11th and Sunday, April 12th. Many thanks for your continued generosity.
In other news, on April 9th, Saks Fifth Avenue will host a charitable event for the JoyJ Initiative. Please join us at Saks Fifth Avenue to view the RAOUL Spring 2015 Collection. There will be light bites, prosecco, live music, and a fashion show by four models. 10% of the proceeds from sales will go to the JoyJ Initiative. Please join us and help us to make this event a big success! Share this invitation with friends and family who may be interested. A successful first event will open the door to future events. Please RSVP for the event by emailing [email protected].
Come join us every Thursday at 5:30pm in the Rectory. We are following the teachings of Dom John Main, OSB and Fr. Laurence Freeman, OSB, Director of the World Community for Christian Meditation. The meeting includes a short taped talk, a silent meditation of 30 minutes and a time for questions or another short reading. It ends at 7:00;pm.
NO FEE. Any other questions, call Mary Orth-Pallavicini at 212-628-1792
There is an active Knights of Columbus on the west side, DeSoto Council #327, located at 441 West 49th Street. The Council is active and looking for new members among practicing Catholic men, 18 yeas of age or older, seeking the spiritual benefits, camaraderie, and community involvement that being a Knight offers.