Finance Committee Corner Last Sunday $9,158 was received in the offertory
baskets at Mass and $5,186 was received through WeShare, for a total of $14,344. Thank you for so generously giving to our regular collection.
COLLECTION OF CRS RICE BOWLS: This weekend, our Lenten journey with CRS Rice Bowl comes to an end. Members and friends of the Social Action Committee will collect your Rice Bowls at the church entrance or you can always drop your Rice Bowl off at the rectory. 75% of your sacrificial donation will go to the poor overseas and 25% will go toward NY archdiocesan projects that minister to the poor and vulnerable in our own community. If you made an on-line donation, please let us know so we can include it in our totals. REMEMBER: WHAT YOU GIVE UP FOR LENT CHANGES LIVES!
CONFIRMATION CLASS FOR ADULTS Confirmation Class for adults who are Baptized Catholic will begin on Thursday, April 12 at 6:30pm. The Sacrament of Confirmation will be celebrated on Saturday, May 19 at 5:30pm. Please call Tina Silvestro at 212-877-3111 to register or for more information.
Please mark your calendars for May 5, 2018 at 7PM. The Gay Fellowship in association with the Parish Council presents
Moving With The Spirit, a fundraiser to benefit the theatre at Blessed Sacrament and Catholic Relief Services. We welcome all for an evening of cocktails, cabaret, silent auction, dinner, and dancing, featuring special guest emcee, NBC’s Anne Thompson, Senior Communications Director of CRS, Caroline Brennan, and our very own, Father Duffell. Early Bird tickets $125 go on sale this weekend, $150 after April 15 and can be purchased in the Rectory using check/credit/debit.
LENTEN SIMPLE SUPPERS Please join us during any or all of the Wednesday of Lent:
3/28 for our Lenten Simple Suppers. Prayers and meditation begin at 7PM in the rectory, followed by a meal of soup and salad…and fellowship. The suppers are a wonderful way to not only deepen one’s Lenten experience, but also to be able to reflect in a very comfortable and quiet setting with fellow parishioners. For more information, please call John Gasdaska at 646-345-7350. We look forward to seeing you then.