Finance Committee Corner Last Sunday $8,095 was received in the offertory
baskets at Mass and $3,282.4 was received through Parish Pay, for a total of $11,377.4. Our average weekly operating budget is $15,000. Thank you for so generously giving to our regular collection.
LECTOR/EUCHARISTIC MINISTER TRAINING Sunday March. 19, 2017, 11am in the Church Rectory. Become more involved in the Mass. We are in need of more Lectors to minister the Word and Eucharistic ministers. If you have a love for Scripture and would like to serve as a lector or would like to administer Communion to your fellow parishioners as a Eucharistic minister, please come to the training session. All training will be held in the Church Rectory. RSVP appreciated but not required. Email Kimberley LaMarque Orman (
[email protected]) or Thomas Davis (
[email protected]) with any questions.
CONFIRMATION CLASS FOR ADULTS Confirmation Class for adults who are Baptized Catholic takes place every Wednesday at 6:30pm. The Sacrament of Confirmation will be celebrated at the Easter Vigil on April 15 at 8pm. Please call Tina Silvestro at 212-877-3111 to register or for more information.
HOSPITALITY SUNDAY 2017 Please mark your calendars for Hospitality Sundays 2017
Coffee Hour will be held in the Rectory after the morning Masses and Spirit Sunday will be held in the Church Hall after the evening Mass. This is a great opportunity to spend some time with your fellow parishioners.
March 26; April 30; June 4; September 10; October 1; November 5; December 3, 2017.
LENTEN SIMPLE SUPPERS Please join us during any or all of the Tuesdays of Lent: 3/21, 3/28 and 4/4 for our Lenten Simple Suppers. Prayers and meditation begin at 7PM in the rectory, followed by a meal of soup and salad…and fellowship. The suppers are a wonderful way to not only deepen one’s Lenten experience, but also to be able to reflect in a very comfortable and quiet setting with fellow parishioners. For more information, please call John Gasdaska at 646-345-7350. We look forward to seeing you then.
MARCH GAY FELLOWSHIP MEETING Please join us after the 5:30PM Mass on Sunday evening March 19th for the Gay Fellowship. The meeting will be held on the 2nd floor of the rectory from 6:45PM-8:15PM. Refreshments served. The group is a safe and comfortable place to share and meet other LGBT Catholics. All are welcome.
The next meetings will be held on April 23rd & May 21st.
For more information, please call John Gasdaska at 646-345-7350.