Finance Committee Corner Last Sunday $6,536 was received in the offertory
baskets at Mass and $5,387 was received through Parish Pay, for a total of $11,923. Thank you for so generously giving to our regular collection.
AUGUST CAMPAIGN AND REPAIR UPDATE We are grateful that the repairs to the exterior of our beautiful church continue to progress. The Eastern wall of the church has been completely racked and repointed and the work on the Western wall is almost complete. We have just received the third invoice in the amount of $91,620 for the completion of this phase of the work. The architect and contractor are now turning their attention to both of the church’s apse roofs as well as the stone facade. Those roofs will be replaced, and, where damaged, the facade’s heavy cast stones will have to be disassembled before being repaired or replaced. Whatever stones need full replacing will be recast most likely during the winter months. The steel framework of the facade, which holds the stones in place, will also be examined for its structural integrity. The Capital Campaign to support this work remains vital for its completion. Many of you have been faithfully making payments towards your pledges and we thank our over 300 donors for their support.
SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASSESFOR SEPTEMBER 2017 will begin on Sunday, September 10. Religious instruction is held in the school from 11:00 - 12:15.
Re-registration forms have been emailed to current students and posted on the Sunday School website. Students must register each year. For students who will be new to the program please send your email to:
[email protected] or pick up a packet at the rectory or go to the Sunday school website:
DO NOT EMAIL THE COMPLETED FORMS BACK!!! Please send by postal mail or drop off completed forms with a $150 check per family at the rectory office.
VOLUNTEERS NEEDED Sunday School teachers and Assistants are needed to serve in this important Parish Ministry. Volunteers who work with children follow a screening process as required by the Archdiocese. Please call or email Tina Silvestro for more information. 212-877-3111 or
[email protected] .
RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION OF ADULTS Thinking of becoming a Catholic? Are you Catholic but have not received Communion or Confirmation? Inquiry discussions for adults will begin on Monday, September 25 at 6:30 pm. Please call Tina Silvestro at the parish office (212-877-3111) to register or seek information.
LOVE & RESPONSIBILITY SERIES The Young Adult Outreach Program is excited to announce Love and Responsibility in NYC, returning to Immaculate Conception’s Outdoor Garden (414 East 14th Street, New York, NY)! Join world-renowned speakers who are flying in from across the country to discuss all things “relationship”. We are hosting a live concert EACH WEEK following the discussion with wine! EVENT IS FREE! For more information, visit our website at
August 1 – “It’s Complicated: Relationships & Emotional Virtue” featuring Sarah Swafford;
concert with Marie Miller CATHOLIC HOMESCHOOL CONFERENCE – JULY 28 & 29 The IHM New York Homeschool Conference will be held at Ramapo College – Student Center, 505 Ramapo Valley Road, in Mahwah, New Jersey, on Friday, July 28th (12:00pm – 6:00pm) and on Saturday, July 29th (9:30am – 3:30pm). This is the perfect event for those who are curious and want to discover more about Catholic homeschooling.
Admission is free and pre-registration is not required. For more information, please visit or email: [email protected].
CATHOLIC FAMILIES GROUP Please join our Blessed Sacrament Catholic Families Group! We offer a range of events to help each other in raising our children as Catholics and becoming better in our own practice of the faith. We also host a monthly moms' group. Sign up at - free to join and events are free.
HAITIAN PRAYER GROUP The Companions of Jesus are a charismatic Haitian prayer group, and all are welcome to attend. The group meets every Friday in the Rectory from 7-9PM. Prayers are held in French, Creole, and English.