Finance Commitee Corner Last Sunday $5,616 was received in the offertory
baskets at Mass and $3,389 was received through Parish Pay, for a total of $9,005. However, the weekly operating costs to run our parish, such as salaries, benefits, utilities, office and program expenses, etc., are approximately $20,000. This means
we had an operating deficit of $10,995 this week.
Our second collection in support of The Church In Africa totaled $1,199. Thank you.
Sunday School Sunday School Classes will begin Sunday, September 11 with the 10:00 Family Mass in the Church. Religious instruction is held in the school immediately after the Family Mass. Registration Deadline is August 1. Some Classes were overfilled last year. We may have to place your child on a waiting list after August 1. You will not be able to register your child on the first day of class.
Re-registration forms and information will be mailed to current students. Registration Packets for new students can be picked up at the parish office or found on the Sunday School website
RCIA RCIA is the process designed by the Church for adults to receive the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and First Communion. The goals are to give a complete overview of Catholic teaching and practice and to begin to deepen a Christian spiritual life centered in the Sunday Scripture readings. The sacraments are received at the Easter Vigil Mass. It is open to adults who:
Have never been baptized; they would be preparing for all three sacraments.
Were baptized in a non-Catholic Christian denomination who are interested in becoming Catholic; they would be preparing for Confirmation and First Communion.
Were baptized Catholic but never received Confirmation and/or First Communion; they would be preparing for the sacraments they have not yet received.
If you (or anyone you know) are interested in learning more about our program or registering, please call Tina Silvestro at 212-877-3111.
Clean Energy March Sunday, July 24. In Philadelphia at noon.
Inter-faith prayer service at noon; march to begin at 1:00 pm
Promoted by NY Catholic Climate Movement
Sponsor: Food and Water Watch
Three NYC bus locations
Cost is $25, all leaving at 9 am and returning by 7:30
to the same 3 points:
West 34th St. / 8th Ave. in front of the Tick Tock Diner
Zip code: 10010
St. John the Divine 1047 Amsterdam (at 112th St.)
Zip code: 10025
Brooklyn Public Library at Grand Army Plaza, Flatbush
and Eastern Parkway. Meet on Flatbush side.
Zip code: 11238
If you want to go in groups, purchase your tickets ASAP on Sign up, and put the zip code for a bus location you want.
Blessed Sacrament is organizing a group for the march. Contact Luke Mayville at
[email protected] or (206) 610-1783 for more information.
Metro NY Catholic Climate Movement will try to have a member
on each of these three buses so we can meet up in Philadelphia.
Dominican Sisters invite 10 additional parishioners to join CSA – farm Share After monitoring production at Harmony Farm, the Sisters welcome 10 additional parishioners to receive farm fresh organic vegetable each week. You can contact Sr. Ellenrita directly with questions and for information about pro-related pricing at 347-538-7759.
Sunday’s story of the Good Samaritan is so familiar to us that it is easy to miss just how challenging it is. No one wants to identify with the priest or the Levite or even the young lawyer out to test Jesus, but what does it take to be like the Good Samaritan? We must be risk-takers, willing to help someone who might be an enemy, someone who, under better circumstances, would have nothing to do with us and, worse, might do us harm. We must be willing to take time and spend money that was meant for some other purpose on a stranger who might be beyond help. We must set aside our own prejudices and cultural norms to put another’s needs before our own comfort. We must recognize that we must love our neighbor, and EVERYONE is neighbor, even our enemies. Apply that to the person with whom you disagree on gun control, refugees, climate change, health care, or any other issue—or political candidate—about which you are passionate, and you’ll feel the challenge Jesus places before us in this all-too-familiar story of the Good Samaritan.
- Pax Christi Metro New York