Due to the Martin Luther King Jr. holiday weekend there will be no class,
January 17th, 2016. RECTORY The rectory will be closed on Martin Luther King Day.
14th Annual Martin Luther King, Jr Day Interfaith Peace Walk
When: Monday, January 18, 2016
Theme: Here the cry of the earth and the cry of the poor!
Time: Walk begins at 2:00PM
Where: Gather at Holy Name of Jesus Church (W 96th Street / Amsterdam Ave) for an introduction and short prayer; proceed to several Upper West Side faith communities (including St Gregory the Great and West Park Presbyterian) for reflection, readings and song; end at Church of the Blessed Sacrament (W 71st St / Broadway) for reflection, refreshments and fellowship.
Participants and host congregations are encouraged to bring/collect letters addressed to congressional leaders urging support of initiatives to protect the planet and the poor who are so devastatingly affected by climate change and income inequality. Letters will be carried from congregation to congregation and then delivered in bulk.
COLLECTION Thank you so very much for your generous response to the needs of the parish. Our collection last Sunday was $11,186. $4,205 was received in ParishPay for a total of $15,391.
ARCHDIOCESAN - WIDE FOOD CAMPAIGN This year, Blessed Sacrament Parish will participate in Feeding Our Neighbors, an Archdiocesan - Wide Drive to replenish dwindling Food Pantries in our community. From January 23 through January 31, you can Feed Our Neighbors by replenishing the Blessed Sacrament Food Pantry, our sister pantry at the Kennedy Center on West 134 Street and pantries across the Archdiocese. It only takes one small action to feed the hungry. Together we can change lives.
Three simple ways to participate are: (1) Bring non-perishable foods to Saturday and Sunday Masses between January 23rd and 31st (2) Support by donating money during a Mass collection, make an on-line donation at www.catholiccharitiesny.org/feedingourneighbors or make a quick $10 donation by texting “CCHOPE” to 85944 and (3) Volunteer at a Food Pantry near you.
Members of the parish Social Action Committee and others will be distributing Feeding Our Neighbors information and food list at the church entrance.
CONVERSATIONS WITH “RECYCLED” CATHOLICS Many people--Catholics, those of other religions and of no religion-- have been struck by the words and actions of Pope Francis. Included among them are former Catholics who have long felt alienated from many of the church’s positions and practices, but now may be considering giving Catholicism a second look. This series is designed for such people—
not for people who are comfortable in their faith and looking for spiritual enrichment. It is for people in transition, hence the term “recycled,” moving from a style of religion that was found to be unsatisfying to one that is both personally fulfilling and authentically Catholic. In a series of six non-judgmental, open yet focused discussions, Fr. Kevin Madigan will help participants reflect on their lived experience of Catholicism, its positive and negative aspects, in the hope of discovering possible directions for the future. The general approach could be described as a “therapy of the imagination,” an attempt to discover how familiar doctrines, metaphors, and images might be mined for new insights and meaning.
The series will take place in two locations: St. Thomas More Rectory, 65 East 89
th St., on Wednesday evenings, beginning January 6
th, at 7:00 p.m., and Blessed Sacrament Rectory, 152 West 71
st St., on Thursday evenings, beginning January 7
th, at 7:00 p.m. To register, please call 212-876-7718. There is no charge and refreshments will be served. The topics for discussion:
1/20, 1/21 Will the real Jesus please stand up.
1/27, 1/28 The Church, who needs it anyway?
2/3, 2/4 I would describe myself as “spiritual, but not religious.”
2/10, 2/11 Fast-food Catholicism may be dangerous to your health.
Forum on Human Trafficking: Analysis and Action Plan
“Human Trafficking is a scourge upon the body of Christ.”
– Pope Francis
Carol Smolenski: Executive Director of ECPATUSA, leader in the fight against child trafficking.
Gonzalo Martinez de Vedia: Worker Justice Center of NY, expert on debt bondage in agriculture.
Patricia Latona: UN representative for ZONTA International, advocate for international women’s rights. Followed by a short workshop for interested audience participants.
Where: Holy Trinity Catholic Church Murphy Canter
213 West 82
nd Street 10024
ABC's of Catholic Relief Services CRS/Egypt: Refugees. American Catholics help, via CRS, refugees from Syria, Africa and Iraq who have found their way to Egypt. CRS also works to help build bridges between Muslims and Christian minorities. Over 340,000 people are served. CRS closely with local Egyptian organizations to help create positive change in an age-old society. Last week - CRS/DRCongo. Next week - CRS & Farmers. For more info:
TOURING TUESDAYS The best investment in your child’s future is in a Catholic School Today.
More than 98% of Catholic school grads pursue post-secondary education
Moral development and self-discipline are emphasized
Community servie is always part of the curriculum
More than 7500 scholarships are available for eligible students
February 2 & 23, March 8, April 12 from 9:00 – 11:00 am.
Reservations are required. To RSVP, call 646-794-2885 or visit
BLESSED SACRAMENT WOMEN’S GROUP Happy New Years from the Blessed Sacrament Women's Group! We will celebrate the New Year Sunday, January 24th after 5:30 p.m. mass in the upstairs of the rectory. Wine and treats will be provided! We will play games and discuss the National Geographic piece on the importance of the Virgin Mary, as "The Most Powerful Woman on Earth.
International Thomas Merton Society On Saturday, January 30th, the Corpus Christi Chapter of the
International Thomas Merton Society will close the Merton Centennial Year. Fr. Daniel Horan OFM will speak on “The Christ of Thomas Merton & Julian of Norwich”. Other speakers will discuss the women who shaped Merton’s thought and spirituality, especially Baroness Catherine de Hueck Doherty and Sister Therese Lentfoehr.
From 2:00 – 7:00pm. Mass will be celebrated at 5:00, followed by a Gala Reception.
Corpus Christi Church 529 West 121st Street, NY 10027.