Finance Committee Corner Last Sunday $8,603 was received in the offertory
baskets at Mass and $5,322.4 was received through Parish Pay, for a total of $13,925.4. Our average weekly operating budget is $15,000. Thank you for so generously giving to our regular collection. Thank you.
LENTEN OBSERVANCES Wednesday, March 1st, begins our Lenten journey toward Easter. As we know, the Church encourages us to embrace a spirit of repentance and conversion during these forty days so that, relying on the mercy of God, we may be filled with a greater sense of thanks and praise for the gift of salvation in Jesus Christ.
Prayer, fasting from some goods or activities, and almsgiving are the primary ways we are encouraged to grow closer to God and one another during this time.
The Fridays throughout Lent are days of
fasting, which "requires that only one full meal be taken per day. Two other smaller meals may be taken during the day to maintain physical strength, but these two meals together should not equal a full meal in quantity. Fasting obliges all who have reached the age of 18 and continues to oblige until age 59. Those not specifically obliged to fast are encouraged to join in this discipline to the extent that they are able.”
Ash Wednesday and Good Friday are days of
fasting and abstinence, which prohibits those 14 and older to eat meat. Those not specifically obliged to abstain and fast are encouraged to join in this discipline to the extent that they are able.
CRS RICE BOWL: JOIN OUR PARISH COMMUNITY — and nearly 14,000 Catholic communities across the United States — in a life-changing Lenten journey with CRS Rice Bowl. CRS Rice Bowl is a faith-in-action Lenten program for families, individuals and faith communities with family activities, meatless meals, prayers and reflections. Rice Bowl invites Catholics to live in solidarity with our most vulnerable brothers and sisters through the Lenten pillars of Prayer, Fasting and Almsgiving.
This weekend at all Masses, a prayer will be said over the Rice Bowls and they will be distributed after Mass. Please pick up a Rice Bowl with a Lenten calendar and a flyer for more information. What you give up for Lent changes lives.
Finance Committee Corner Last Sunday $8,603 was received in the offertory
baskets at Mass and $5,322.4 was received through Parish Pay, for a total of $13,925.4. Our average weekly operating budget is $15,000. Thank you for so generously giving to our regular collection. Thank you.
Esquina Financiera La suma de la colecta durante las Misas del domingo pasado fue $8,603. Recibimos $5,322.4 a través de Parish Pay para un total de $13,925.4. Nuestro presupuesto de operación semanal promedio es $15,000. Gracias por dar tan generosamente a nuestra colección regular. Gracias.
The Magnificat Lenten Companion provides a series of original reflections to guide you through every day of Lent. Each book is $3.00 and can be purchased in the rectory office.
Stations of the Cross (English) will be held Fridays at 11:40am & 6:00 LENTEN SIMPLE SUPPERS Please join us during any or all of the Tuesdays of Lent: 3/7, 3/14, 3/21, 3/28 and 4/4 for our Lenten Simple Suppers. Prayers and meditation begin at 7PM in the rectory, followed by a meal of soup and salad…and fellowship. The suppers are a wonderful way to not only deepen one’s Lenten experience, but also to be able to reflect in a very comfortable and quiet setting with fellow parishioners. For more information, please call John Gasdaska at 646-345-7350. We look forward to seeing you then.
SPECIAL NEEDS MASSES This weekend February 26
th, 2017, at 4:00pm we will celebrate our Special Needs Mass. Your children are especially welcome at this warm, family celebration.
The following Special Needs Masses are March 12 & 26, April 9 & 23, May 21, June 11. Please join us.
HOSPITALITY SUNDAY 2017 Please mark your calendars for Hospitality Sundays 2017
Coffee Hour will be held in the Rectory after the morning Masses and Spirit Sunday will be held in the Church Hall after the evening Mass. This is a great opportunity to spend some time with your fellow parishioners.
February 26; March 26; April 30; June 4; September 10; October 1; November 5; December 32017.
CLIMATE CHANGE FILM SERIES – March 8th 7PM ! Please join us for a screening of
“The Wisdom to Survive” followed by a
discussion with filmmaker JOHN ANKELE in the Blessed Sacrament Hall, Wednesday, March 8
th at 7PM.
All Welcome – Bring a friend! This special screening is hosted jointly by the Social Action Committees of Blessed Sacrament & Holy Name-St. Gregory’s
FAMILY VOLUNTEER DAY: Saturday, March 11, 9am: Please join us as we help JoyJ pack bags for their homeless outreach. This is a great opportunity for parents and children to put into action some of the the Corporal Works of Mercy. While parents with children of all ages are invited to help pack bags, please consider the age and maturity of your children when deciding whether to participate in the outreach - i.e. actually handing out bags. You MUST RSVP on Meetup to participate in this event, as JoyJ has requested a list of volunteers in advance of the event.
NYC CATHOLIC FAMILIES WITH CHILDREN: Please join us for our second annual Lenten gathering! We will meet for crafts, songs, and snacks to learn and talk more about Lent.
This year, we will also be making cards to include in the care packages which JoyJ will be distributing the following weekend.
The Lenten Gathering starts Saturday, March 4 at 3:30 and will end just in time for 5:30pm Mass. Please RSVP on Meetup: The event is free.