Last Sunday $7,659 was received in the offertory baskets at Mass and $4,415 was received through WeShare, for a total of $12,074. Thank you for so generously giving to our regular collection.
Sunday School Classes will resume next week, January 5th.
Save the date—His Eminence Cardinal Dolan to say Mass at Blessed Sacrament
In celebration of the Parish’s upcoming 100 year anniversary, His Eminence Cardinal Timothy Dolan will celebrate Mass on Saturday, October 3rd at 5:30 pm. Please mark your calendar for this blessed event. More to come.
2019 Parish Annual Appeal
Blessed Sacrament is conducting an annual appeal. Our goal is to raise $350,000. 100% of the monies collected from the appeal go directly to the parish. The money will be used to cover our operating deficit of -$100,000. In addition, our old church, parish hall, and rectory are in constant need of repair, and we need to repair the church and school roofs and begin to look at repairing the church windows.
PLEASE be generous as all of the money from the Appeal will go directly to the parish. Donations can be made using the envelopes located near the church entrance or online at