Finance Committee Corner Last Sunday $5,991 was received in the offertory baskets at Mass and $3,389 was received through Parish Pay, for a total of $9,380. However, the weekly operating costs to run our parish, such as salaries, benefits, utilities, office and program expenses, etc., are approximately $20,000. This means
we had an operating deficit of $10,620. this week.
Sunday School Sunday School Classes will begin Sunday, September 11 with the 10:00 Family Mass in the Church. Religious instruction is held in the school immediately following the Mass. Late registration will close August 28. Registration for unfilled classes will open again on September 12. You will not be able to register your child from August 29 through September 11.
Re-registration packets have been mailed to current students. Packets for new students can be picked up at the parish office or found on the Sunday School website Volunteer for Sunday School Sunday School Teachers and Assistants are needed to serve in this important Parish Ministry. Volunteers who work with children follow a screening process as required by the Archdiocese. Please call Tina Silvestro (212) 877-3111 for more information.
RCIA Is the process designed by the Church for adults to receive the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and First Communion. The goals are to give a complete overview of Catholic teaching and practice and to begin to deepen a Christian spiritual life centered in the Sunday Scripture readings. The sacraments are received at the Easter Vigil Mass. It is open to adults who:
If you (or anyone you know) are interested in learning more about our program or registering, please call Tina Silvestro at 212-877-3111.
Fall TACHS Prep Program Cathedral High School will be having a FALL TACHS Prep Program for interested 8th grade female students. The 7-week program will run on Saturdays from September 17- October 29. Please visit our website at for more information.
DIANNE R. CARR Pianist and musician, Dianne, is seeking others to join her in musically enhancing the weekday 7:30am Mass at our parish. Please contact Dianne at [email protected]
Join us to discuss issues facing us today and explore our rational responses and our often unconscious feelings about the event(s) presented.
Where: Blessed Sacrament Church Rectory – Blue Room
When: Every Sunday after the 12:30PM Mass (2PM – 3:30PM)
Bring your thoughts and feelings. We can modify our reactions by knowing ourselves better and understanding the root of our beliefs. If interested, please email [email protected].