BOOK CLUB Our next book club meets Sept. 9th from 6:30 to 8:00pm in the rectory. We’ll be reading “The Moviegoer”, winner of the 1961 National Book Award, written by Walker Percy, one of the most significant Catholic Southern writers of the 20th Century. It’s a short novel, humorous but at the same time raising important questions about the purpose of life. Do we sometimes treat life like watching a movie, instead of living it? What can we do to find happiness without being sunk in the “everydayness” of life?
COLLECTION Thank you so very much for your generous response to the needs of the parish. Our collection last Sunday was $6,188.. $2,266 was received through ParishPay for a total of $8.454. Thank you too for the $3,713 you offered in support of the Diocese of Butare.
SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASSES Will begin on Sunday September 13 with the 10:00 am Family Mass in the Church. Religious instruction is held in the school after the Family Mass until 12:15.
We will accept late registrations for unfilled classes until Sept. 1.
Re-registration forms have been mailed to current students. Forms for new students can be picked up at the parish office or found on the Sunday School website:
SUNDAY SCHOOL VOLUNTEERS NEEDED Sunday School teachers and Assistants are needed to serve in this important Parish Ministry. Volunteers who work with children follow a screening process as required by the Archdiocese. Please call Tina Silvestro (212-877-3111) for more information.
RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION OF ADULTS Thinking of becoming a Catholic: Are you Catholic but have not received Communion or Confirmation? Inquiry discussions for adults will begin on Monday, September 28 at 6:30pm. Please call Tina Silvestro at the parish office (212-877-3111) to register or seek information
ABC’s OF CATHOLIC RELIEF SERVICES: THIS WEEK—Lebanon Millions of Syrians have fled their country in the wake of the violent civil war that began in 2011. Thousands are now in Lebanon. CRS represents American Catholics in Lebanon and responds with food, shelter, living supplies and education and counseling for children. 700,000 people in the region are being helped by CRS and its supporters
CATHOLIC RELIEF SERVICES SPEAKER, BSC Rectory, August 26, 2015 at 7:00pm
Meet Raina Clark-Gaun, CRS Tanzania, as she shares her stories and experiences and how CRS supports the poorest of the poor in this African country. An intresting evening is promised
FREE IMMIGRATION CLINIC Saturday , August 29th from 10:00am to 4:00pm. At the San Damiano Hall of the Church of St. Francis of Assisi, 135 West 31st Street. To register please call: 212-736-8500, ext. 305/377.
DIANNE R. CARR Pianist and musician, Dianne is seeking others to join her in musically enriching the weekday 7:30am Masses at the Church of the Blessed Sacrament. Please contact Dianne at:
[email protected]
PAX CHRISTI METRO NEW YORK There seems to be some rumblings of discontent in Sunday’s readings. Why else bring up the choice of remaining faithful to God in the first reading or to Jesus in the Gospel? Clearly, some people are wavering in their loyalty. But then there are those who hold firm, willing to serve God and stick with Jesus. Before we dismiss those who stray and identify with those who stay, let’s give the former group some respect. At least they recognize that to serve God, to follow Jesus is hard. And they are admitting that they’re not so sure they want to engage in the struggle. What about us? Do we acknowledge that to be a Christian is to be counter-cultural, that it’s difficult, and that we fail at least now and then? Love your enemy. Forgive 70 x 7 times. Give not of your excess, but of your essentials. Yes, let’s choose Christ, but let’s be sure we know what we’re getting into.
The Baptism preparation class will take place on September 8th at 7:30pm in the rectory.
On the 1st and 3rd Fridays of each month we have Bereavement Support Groups - General Bereavement at 5:30 p.m. and Perinatal Loss (for individuals and couples who have lost a baby through miscarriage, stillbirth or newborn death) at 6:30 p.m. Both groups will meet in the Rectory on January 2nd.
For more information, please contact at the Rectory at 212-877-3111. No registration is required. There is no fee.